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Friday, March 11, 2016

Farewell to the Winters

Farewell to the Winters!
The first couple to leave the Pacific Area Office since we arrived on January 9th, is going home to Utah this evening. We have a farewell luncheon for all couples with the Area Presidency and their wives the week that they are leaving. We had a farewell for Elder Gary and Sister Susan Winters this past Wednesday. I get to decorate the tables and prepare or order the food for the luncheon. I found a great lava lava (rectangular piece of fabric usually worn like a skirt) with a New Zealand print on it. I used that on top of a black tablecloth. For the lunch, I made chicken enchiladas, Spanish rice, tossed salad, chips, salsa, & guacamole with Tres Leches cake for dessert. It was fun to prepare and serve the food and we all had a nice time reminiscing on the Winters' experiences and thanking them for their dedicated service. Here are a few pictures of the event.

The Serving Table


  1. Looks perfect Sister Seamons.

  2. Hello Sister Seamons, It has come to my attention that you are using my copyrighted graphic on your blog (the circular kiwi/silver fern logo). Although your usage was not ill-intended or malicious, for legal reasons, I must ask you to remove it as soon as possible.

    Sincerely, Roger Sawhill
